Home / Aerial Mapping
aerial mapping
We believe that this understanding comes from a detailed site analysis supported by high resolution data. In addition to our experience with traditional analysis and survey methods, we bring the possibility of a unique aerial view of your site. We utilize small unmanned aerial systems (commonly known as UAVs or drones) to capture detailed aerial views of your site. Resolution Studio, LLC is licensed by the FAA (Part 107) to operate drones in the USA.
High resolution oblique images and video can be presented for site analysis, marketing, or construction documentation; on demand, during any season. More importantly, these images can be processed into digital orthophotos with resolution as high as one inch, and elevation data can be derived with a resolution as high as two inches.
Digital elevation models post processed from aerial data can augment, if not replace, traditional survey data. This technology is especially valuable capturing topographic data in hard to reach areas such as bluffs and stream banks, or in built environments that require high precision elevation data for drainage, such as urban plazas or farm yards.
Let us unlock this new technology for you. Below is a list of data services Resolution Studio, LLC can provide:
Site inventory & analysis
Ecological categorization & mapping
Invasive species mapping
Tree surveys
GPS topographic survey
Total Station topographic survey
UAV equipment selection
UAV setup, testing & instruction
UAV and drone mapping & post processing
Oblique UAV images and drone video
Orthophoto image creation
Topographic data creation (DEM, TIN, contour)