Resolution Studio

Bringing a Broader View to Ecological Design.


About Us


We are a dynamic landscape architecture studio based in Madison, Wisconsin.

We work to create functional natural areas, for everyone.

Resolution Studio, LLC provides landscape architecture, UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) remote sensing, visual communication, and restoration ecology services to public and private clients throughout the Great Lakes region. Combining aerial data from UAS with the spatial design process, we communicate ideas about how to bring people to nature, and nature to people. Resolution Studio is small business certified by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and through the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District’s SWMBE program.




Landscape Architecture


We are committed to designing and naturalizing exceptional project sites. Our professional expertise in landscape architecture, passion for the natural world, and experience with civil engineering and ecological restoration projects gives us a holistic approach to the design process. 


Aerial Mapping


We recognize that strong project results require a solid understanding of existing site conditions, design criteria, and opportunities as the basis of design. Aerial mapping data is an extraordinary tool utilized to gather contextual and detailed information about a project site. 


Resolution Studio’s services include:

  • Conceptual Design

  • Design Development

  • Bid & Construction Documents 

  • Plans & Specifications 

  • Analysis & Layout Graphics 

  • Cross Sections & Profiles 

  • Public Meetings & Presentations

  • User Surveys & Polling

  • Design Workshops

  • Photo-overlay Diagrams

  • Masterplanning

  • Reporting

  • Sketches 

  • Perspectives

  • 3D Computer Modeling 

  • Photorealistic Rendering

  • CADD 

  • GIS 




Kinnickinic River Restoration, Pulaski Park

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Located in a neighborhood park just south of downtown Milwaukee, this project restored a portion of the Kinnickinnic River by replacing 1,800 feet of a deteriorating concrete channel with native wetland, wet meadow, and prairie vegetation.


Menomonee River Streambank Stabilization

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Resolution Studio is served Project Landscape Architect for final design of this urban stream restoration project. The riverbank had rapidly eroded and receded over recent years and was restored into a natural channel with native vegetation buffers.


City of Duluth Shoreline Damage Assessment and Repair

Duluth, Minnesota

The City of Duluth’s waterfront trail system experienced extensive damage following a series of storms in 2017 and 2018. Resolution Studio worked as part of a specialized team to analyze the damage, document areas to be repaired, and subsequently designing repairs.



At Resolution Studio, we work with a wide range of people and organizations who share one commonality: responsible stewardship of the land. Whether you are an engineer, public sector employee, or a private resident, we work with you to understand your site’s condition and natural processes, and create solutions to maximize its ecological health and human use. We view our clients as our collaborators, and our staff uses inclusive and engaging techniques to help gather design input, build consensus and deliver results.



Contact Us

We work with a wide variety of clients that have a wide range of needs. Contact us below to see how we can help you get the results you desire.


Madison, Wisconsin, USA
